Wednesday, 1 February 2017

My First Experience [Reiki Blog Hop]

My First Reiki Experience
Introduction Welcome to the blog, I thought I would kick it off by explaining about how I started in Reiki, it's part of a joint project known as the Reiki Blog Hop. If you aren't familiar with this idea then let me quickly explain, a blog hop or a bloggers circle is where a group of like-minded bloggers join up and link in a random/shuffled fashion to other blogs on the same interest. The theme/topic is decided and then we all write something on it and then share the link/permalink and you the reader can learn or read a different perspective on the chosen theme.
Regardless of how you have come to this blog, I am glad that you are here. My name is Jay and well as you'll read in the follow entry my continuing journey with Reiki is... well its not exactly that simple as I have more that just the one first when it comes to my experience, so let's start at the very beginning which is eight years ago...

Summer 2008 (8 years Ago)...
The journey actually began as a throw away line in a conversation with a friend, along side my Reiki work, I am also a platform/trance medium (and healer as it turns out); through providence and circumstances I became part of a group along with three others that met at my dear friends house every fortnight in down at the border of Scotland, my other dear friend was at that time our mentor/teacher and she spoke of a hands on healing system called Reiki, and although she explained how it was a hands on healing system and that it was very interesting and came from Japan/Asia we never really spoke of it again until something like four years later.

December 2012 (4 years later)...
A great deal changed in the fours years between the summer of 2008 and the winter of 2012, one of the most significant and perhaps life changing events was the passing of my father; it completely changed the way in which I actually looked at the world. I could see so much uncaring and lack of actual consideration or even manners; no one actually cared who you were or what you had to say unless you were of some benefit to them. Now I realise that you are perhaps wondering where this is going and what this has to do with Reiki, well it has EVERYTHING to do with it. There were until this moment only two pivotal moments that changed my direction in life and this one became the third.
It was actually around about this time of the evening (23:21 GMT) around the middle of December 2012, I wasn't doing that much on the PC and suddenly the conversation from four years ago came into my head. I sensed that it was important and it wasn't from within my own head but a prompt from on high, and also from a very specific person as well, yes! that is right, Dad. So I began hunting and trawling through sites, learning all that I could, which in this internet age meant very little, however I kept on falling back to a friend of mines site; a small advert for a Reiki healer kept attracting my attention and so I noted down the number and left it at that.
It wasn't really until the January of 2013 that I investigated the whole thing further and went to visit the Reiki healer. It turns out that we had the mutual friend in common and after a bit of conversation, I was asked to relax and get settled on the bed. Now at this point I really had no clue about Reiki, what it was or what to expect from it other than it was a hands on healing. Something I had some knowledge of because of my spirit work and from experiencing it both good and bad through the churches.

2013: My First Reiki Experience...
At first I really hadn't a clue what to expect, but it wasn't long before the world shifted from awareness of the exterior worlds to the interior and then a whole different world altogether. I witness constellations, gaseous swirls and then light before reaching the place that I have come to know as Nirvana (no not the indie-rock group), Buddhists will tell me that it is not possible for someone like me to attain this place without going through many years of their practices and so on... At one time I may have questioned but now; I know it to be Nirvana. However I digress (what again I hear you sigh), within this space between spaces and within the minutiae of the moments I was at complete peace and thats when Dad visited me.
We spoke about his passing, and we spoke about how I was feeling but also we spoke about why I was sent here to this place. In nutshell answer I got was that this was meant, this was where I was meant to be and that I hadn't to take any of the feelings that I had come with back into the world with me, I didn't need them any more. Dad and I also discussed the moment of his passing, where I walked with him to the threshold between this life and the next. I knew it was real as real as the moment I was having with him in this Reiki session, just as it feels real recounting it as part of this blog post.
Dad explained that all of it was real and yes I had walked him to the threshold between this life and the higher side of life. I said that I felt different, changed in many ways but I still felt purposeless and lost, Dad as always just smiled as if he knew that something else was coming but it wasn't his place to tell me or something equally enigmatic. However true enough as the session came to an end, something did happen. The Reiki healer (Karen Harrigan) invited me to take the Reiki Level I course that she was running the next month.

2014: The Year of More Firsts...
As if 2013 wasn't a wyrd enough year, the following year 2014 was just as wyrd; so let me catch you up with the cliff notes of 2013's wyrd. I did my Reiki Level II within a month and half of completing the Level I, which is not unheard of but it was surprising none the less as I cleared a great deal of baggage in that time and then bam! Reiki Level II not only raised my vibration but it set me on course for a rather heady awakening. I sat my Reiki Level III: Master/Teachers at the very end of the year, something was yanking at me to do it and so I listened and followed but then I realised that something was awry when it took me until the December to receive the attunement.
In the April of 2014, I decided to redo the Master/Teacher this time with Karen but not for the reasons you'd think. I was very happy with what I had learnt through doing it via distant learning and the attunement was really special and unique to not only me but my circumstances as well, it really opened my eyes; no the reason I wanted to go back to Karen was there needed to be a completion/end of cycle/back to the start type of ending plus as it turns out I was being the messenger/teacher again.
This happens from time to time, upstairs sends to someone for us both to learn a lesson, for me it was to have faith in my abilities and trust in the ways of spirit and for Karen, well I suppose it was to think outside the box as well as to learn what it is like to work with someone that has a learning disability. On the day of the attunement practical I basically broke down, I had been so confident that I was going to nail it, I had the symbols completely memorised, the sequence rote learn along with the words that I needed for the intention and then suddenly it wasn't there, not forgotten, not unprepared just gone, which can be quite natural for a dyslexic in exam or high stress situations, now you wouldn't think that a reiki training day would be anything of the sort but it was for me.

September 2014: My First Angelic Experience
There is a saying, maybe you've heard it or a variant; 'Everything Happens for A Reason' I had been placed on a path that opened my awareness to Angels, sadly the start of this path was fraught with more than one or two pot-holes along the way and despite everything I have reached a place where I have been able to make my peace with it. By this point I had doing Reiki healings and also some teaching of Usui reiki Level I&II, when I was able to do the Angelic Reiki 1&2 Practitioners. It didn't require me to know very much about Angels or even Reiki as the system was very different to what I had done before.
I have said a few times since then in reflection I didn't know what to make of it and I didn't know where it was going to take me; I only knew that I was supposed to be there on that day. It took me a year to work out that I was meant to be on that course and that it would take me a year before I would really understand why I had been there on that day and why I would end up going back and going further with it.

2015: The Last of the First Experiences
In 2015 after so much change and proof of connection to the Angelic kingdom, I knew that it was time to return, I had a suspicion as to why I needed to do it, during the remaining months of 2014, I completed Kundalini, Karuna and Shamballa MDH Reiki forms; it seemed important to have an understanding of these before I came back to Angelic Reiki because when I returned to refresh myself with the Practitioners Level (Angelic Reiki 1&2), I was fully awakened to not only the echoes of the lives I have had before but to my soul and the connection I have not only to the Akashic Records but also to the Angelic Kingdom as well.
As I worked platform, did my healings and teachings I felt more and more the pull to follow the course that Angelic Reiki had awoken me to and so another first experience for me was to do the Angelic Reiki 3&4: Master Level, this completely awakened me to the fact I am not like everyone else, yes! I am human, and yes I am just as fallible as the next person but there is more to it on the soul level and on the healers level as well. Once I have spoken to the client and made them comfortable, the healing work is done from a much higher source. It is Reiki, but its not only Sensei Usui, it is the Angelic, Shiva, it is Compassionate Action, it is Love and it is also working with someone at their deepest level to remove and replace anything that has blocked them.
Thank You...
If you are new to Reiki, then just know that not everyone has these kinds of experiences; Reiki is sentient energy that works with you for you and through you to help you become the best person you can be, it is an experience that comes from love and no matter if you experience Usui, Angelic or any other form of Reiki, it is all from the same source, and the same place which is Love.
It is my hope that you have enjoyed reading this entry for the Blog hop, and it is also my hope that you may have learnt or at least gained some kind of insight into the journey and experience of reiki that I have personally had. If you should feel drawn to learn more about any of the Reiki forms that I have written about in this entry then do not hesitate to get in touch with me.


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